Trainings & Continuing education programs

Trainings & Continuing education programs

It’s one of my life’s missions to offer the Forrest Yoga Teachings through various trainings, Continuing Education programs and Workshops. I am passionate about teaching you Forrest Yoga. You will learn how to breathe, how to stand on your feet, how to feel your core spacious and centered in order to move through daily life inspired and with more pleasure.

Forrest Yoga Guardian

Forrest Yoga has been my key supportive element the past 16 years (teaching it the past 13 years) in my life. I have learnt how to focus, breathe and feel and be comfortable in my own skin. Through this practice I live my daily life with more steadiness, acceptance, power, curiosity and joy. 

In 2022, I was named by the creators of Forrest Yoga, Ana Forrest & Jose Calarco, as a Forrest Yoga Guardian, which is the highest honor in the Forrest Yoga system. We are Senior Teachers who will continue their legacy and we are trained by them to be teacher trainers. 

I highly encourage you to step into such trainings with me whether you want to teach yoga or go deeper as a practitioner. They are life changing experiences because the focus and the dedication you are called to show during these trainings influences your brain in a different way than a regular daily yoga class. They open up the perspective of life.

Forrest Yoga Teacher Trainings

Forrest Yoga Teacher Trainings are healing and dive deep into feeling the sacredness of practice. You will learn how to structure your own practice in a powerful and healing way. The immersive and intense form of these training sessions will open up the space for processing unresolved themes of your life and learn how to use the tools of Forrest Yoga in these issues. The resiliency you built during the yoga practice empowers your system to stay resilient through daily challenges. 

The way we do our yoga practice reflects the way we live. On your yoga mat you have the possibility to break through the limitations (thoughts, patterns, repetitive feelings and destructive attitudes) and discover new truths about you. You break these limitations by learning to focus on the breath, paying attention to the sensations and feelings arising from breath, staying and exploring the discomfort in the poses and then choosing differently, if something doesn’t work. Off the yoga mat you will learn how to apply these new discoveries in your relationships.

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